Monday, November 30, 2009

How can I make and meet new friends on MySpace?

There is something that I want to do now that I communicate with my old school friends on MySpace: making and meeting new friends that I haven't met before. Although I'm shy, and sometimes I'm not afraid to find new faces, I'm thinking of searching for new friends on the popular MySpace network. Some of the new friends that I want to meet might be people associated with the folks that I already know, which I'm really looking forward to. And that's why I'm asking this question: How can I make and meet new friends on MySpace?

I hope I can play this safe in many ways, if anybody here has lots of tips. Please tell me how to do many things to meet new MySpace friends, like making the perfect messaging that people can answer. Give me the do's and don't's of web friendships.

How can I make and meet new friends on MySpace?

I'd just say to just add some people that you think you'd have some things in common with and that you can become friends with.

The only thing I can tell you that's a "DON'T" would be to not give out any personal information such as you're last name, phone number, address, anything like that. But you sound smart enough to avoid things like that :]

How can I make and meet new friends on MySpace?

well, myspace is always catty, adding pics sometimes people do not want. it's full of viruses. and adult content and people get into fights, pedofiles go on there and women expose themselves.. and myspace is so not in. try for classy folks. sorry.

How can I make and meet new friends on MySpace?

Join a group, send some people friend requests and see if they are interesting (if they accept)

How can I make and meet new friends on MySpace?

Send a friend request, meanwhile, also send a message that describe yourself (This only apply to the people you trust, not strangers)

How can I make and meet new friends on MySpace?

if you have a year book of the people your looking for go serch there names and see if you requqnize them. add people that will have something in commone with you

How can I make and meet new friends on MySpace?

well, just start friend requesting ppl and check up on bulletins all the time

its alll about the bulletins.

also post bulletins yourself

say hi to ppl and see if they respond, that kind of thing.

you can also join certain groups that you may be interested in and talk to ppl that way.

also, make sure you have a decent page and pictures...i never even accept a friend request with out pics or a decent page...i know that sounds bad but its my reality.

but have fun with myspace : )

oh, and dont do like that other person said.

myspace is seriously where its at and thats where everything happends and you know whats going on.

that person has a really weird view on it thats wrong.

How can I make and meet new friends on MySpace?

add me

it's a really cool fan page i created


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